
Monday, November 26, 2012

Im a Flickr!!!!!

Check it out- I started my Flickr page again- this time I will add more as I take them :)

Todds Flickr Link

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

New-ish lens continued

Yesterday turned out to be a pretty nice day to get out & shoot. Cool & crisp- I could hear my dad doing his "WHOOOH its a bit cool today dontcha think"

Had to get a new cache of cat food & I was on my way. Over to Eaux Vive & then I dont know where I wandered to. Saw some really neat apartments that had patios (somewhat rare in Geneve) & just imagined having one of our own...... Le sigh :)

Anyway- I think I really love this lens!!! Learning to get back, WAY BACK as compared to my 14mm lens- but talk about getting another whole perspective on a subject- its taken me this long??? I have had zoom lenses before so they are nothing new to me- but those were shooting with an SLR-  I LOVED my Canon AE-1- I still have it- although its in a box & hasnt really been touched since I went digital. I digress....... So the new lens- great feature that isnt a part of the 14mm- when I upload into Iphoto, the vertical shots are automatically rotated- a bit of a time saver for sure & a nice feature. 

Crossed the Mont Blanc bridge & it was nice to see the flags of Geneve & Suisse all unfureled  & enjoying the sun. They are so much nicer than the Doner Kebab ones they put up. Took this one from the left bank as it had better light. Not @ full zoom & still quite crisp.

Noticed a few sea gulls on a tie off rope, so I got down on the wall & went to a full zoom- still quite nice.

I liked the shadows & the different architectural elements in this shot of an apartment building in Eaux Vive.
 AH- one of my most FAVORITE buildings in Geneve- this one by Le Corbusier-"Immeuble Clarté". Looks like they have done some renovating on the exterior since the last time I stopped to take a look- it was looking a bit worn. What a treasure to have this building in Geneve. The apartments look to be 2 story loft type- so I can only imagine they arent very big- Id still want one though BIG TIME!!!!
 Random guy who thinks we are all astronauts gathering a crowd along the Pont de la machine- he was talking about something & seemed pretty engageing as people were stopping to talk to him- no idea as it was all in the Francais......

Monday, November 19, 2012

New-ish lens

OK- so a few months ago, best gal friends Megan & Carley departed Geneve for their around the world experience. Carley had a lens she didn't want to take on the trip- bulky & heavy & offered it up for sale. Mark purchased it or me (I am spoiled & loved) & I have used it on occasion- translates- not enough. So this week I am only going to be using my Lumix 45-200 micro 4/3 zoom lens

I read an article over the weekend to "Boost your creativity- use a different lens today" & that is exactly what I'm going to do :) Change is good??? :)

Hopefully you wont get too tired of close ups.........

Stay tuned, day 1 is upon me & its a beautiful day here in Geneve.

Friday, November 16, 2012

European Bicycles

A bike I came across in the Cinque Terra- looks to have weathered the floods

You gotta hand it to the Swiss, well ok, Europeans et al- they have really embraced the bicycle. Everywhere we have visited since we have been living in Suisse, there are noticeably more people riding bikes in the city centers than there are in the USA. Not just people out having a ride around for exercise- you see business men & women, decked out in suits & high heels (respectively), talking on cell phones or smoking a cigarette. Street bikes- nothing fancy, not mountain bikes or super tricked out bikes- just normal bikes. I think some almost look like they are from the 50's.
They use bikes here because its easy. Bikes have their own lanes in traffic, people here actually yield to bicycles!!!  Sadly, somewhat unheard of in the US. At least in Seattle that is. I think cyclist in the US are seen as a nuisance, they get in the way, you have to go around them, & when you hit one- well, it ends up making you late to where ever you were in SUCH a hurry to get to (Costco, Starbucks, Nordstrom). In Europe- there never seems to be this sense of urgency to get somewhere. If you get stuck in traffic here its looked upon as "well everyone else is stuck so why stress about it". Although, if you are on a bike- you get through it by weaving in & out of the cars are usually on time. I'm not going to get into the conversation about the damn scooters though- they kind of drive me nuts. 
I am writing this because since moving here I have become one of those bicycle riders in the city center. It feels good riding next to cars that you hope- see & respect you & share the road. I don't ever get honked at, I don't ever get yelled at for riding in the middle of the road. I feel somewhat safe in traffic here. I'm sure people do get hit on bikes here- they have to, never seen it though. It would be interesting to see a study of bicycle accidents per capita here vs. a city like it of similar size in the US. There has to be more here because of the sheer number of cyclists on the roads. 

Commuter bikes at Gare Cornavin here in Geneve
Speaking of the numbers of commuters- when it quitting time- the amounts of them that spill out on the streets is amazing. Not Beijing crazy- but there are many. Commuters coming out of their offices & hopping on their bikes, people getting off the trains then over to the bike stands to search for their ride home. It really is another reason I love living here. The bike culture here isn't edgy or alternative or even militant like in some US cities, they are just normal people who commute on bikes, go to the supermarkets, movies, out to dinner- live..... Cyclists are out & about @ all hours in our busy part of the city. We hear the conversations between cyclists & their polite little bells as they peddle down the Rue des Paquis. It really does sound much better than those damn loud Maserati's or Ferrari's that like to rev up to show off their horse power. But as those luxury cars are stuck @ the light, the cyclists quietly pass & are almost where they are going to be.
Anyone seen a Dakota bike before??
Anyway- I came across 2 really cool bikes yesterday while out & about- one was a Dakota- I had never heard of them or seen one before. I did a search & came up with nothing even close. I'm thinking they have to be a much older brand as the logo may be somewhat offensive now a days in the US. Great leather seat &  varnished, bent wood fenders. Pretty modern Shimano components so all I can think is that its an old bike that has been modernized. I think I want to go back & leave a note on it to just ask the question "Where did you get this" & to also compliment on a nice looking street bike. I'm sure the owner would appreciate someone appreciating their bike. If anyone reading this has heard of them- shoot me a line- would love to read up on them.
An art bike in Geneve
The other bike I came across was an art bike. Flowers, stickers, stuffed animals, plastic figurines you name it- it was stuck on this bike- kind of fun for sure & surely brought a smile to my face. Gotta wonder what the rider looks like though- Should have hung around long enough to see.

An Italian bike in the shadows- I think I'm going to get this one framed

For some reason- I take photos of bikes A LOT.....

Monday, November 05, 2012

Lavaux Vineyard Terraces

What a beautiful location those silly Romans had 2000 years ago & the idea to terrace the hillsides for ultimate southern exposure to grow their grapes that they would eventually turn into wine- (I wonder if they knew what a beautiful area this was way back then as well.......) I tell ya..... And we are still doing it- albeit some of the wine isn't to our liking even though living here is pretty much the only place on earth to get wine from Suisse...... they only export a very small amount because they don't grow that much & they like to take care of the Swiss market before they offer it out elsewhere. This idea rings true for MANY aspects of the Swiss culture- not just wine....... 
ANYWAY- last week I was getting the itch to get back to the Lavaux Vinyard Terraces region as I went last year with Joyce, & did a really beautiful hike along the roads & pathways that twist & turn like the vines themselves through the different vineyards. Checked the weather forecasts & saw that I had a 1 day window of good weather to get out there to get some photos & not get wet in doing so- & that was TODAY (Thursday)  planned on going a little later than I would have, as I wanted to get the late afternoon sunlight. Packed up a small bag, all my camera gear & hopped in the car & headed out- the GPS said 45 min to the town of Lutry- so Id be there by 3:15 @ the latest. While on the highway & @ least 30 min out & had a revelation that I had left my camera's battery in the charger that was plugged in @ home....... PHUCK!!!!!! Yeah- so here I was- 15 min from Lutry & having to turn around to go BACK to Geneve to get a battery........ Contemplated just going & taking Iphone photos but then I could never crank on Lisa for her OH so lovely Blackberry photos again...... Plus the weather was going to go to crap & this was my time. So I got off the highway, schlepped BACK to Geneve, got a parking spot right out front of the building & fetched the damn battery- which was fully charged......... Got back on the road & headed out- ETA now 4:00...... GRRRRR- what was I gonna do right??? No biggie- there wasn't any traffic & it was a beautiful day to be out on the road. Found the Lutry exit & started up & down on those little vineyard roads- literally wide enough for our car, no guardrails either- so if I went over id be over as the car would just roll & roll & roll....... I was a little freaked out thinking about that. Anyway- the sun was going down & I needed to get snapping. The colors were beautiful- the golden yellows, the burnt reds, the mottled browns with flecks of yellow...... Stunning!!! The way the sun was tickling the snowy mountaintops across the lake in France & the ones above Montreaux. Even better, the sun was getting pretty low and that golden light that just sets these colors on fire. I knew I had picked the BEST time to be there- although I would have loved a bit more time as I pretty much only had about an hour before sunset. Ended up parking in a little hamlet & walking down one of the paths & came across an elderly man who was sitting up on one of the walls watching the sun go down- as I walked by, I greeted him with a "salut" & he said "salut"- I then said in my broken French "il est magnifique" & he came back with a friendly, smiling "Superb"- I couldn't agree more...... What a great word- Superb- to describe a beautiful sight like that, & how fantastic that this guy- who had to be in his 80's was out trekking along these ancient trails & took a moment to sit down & take it all in...... Superb!!!! I kept down the trail a few 100 meters farther to take more photos, turned around & my little friend was gone. He was done- sun was down & he was off. I wonder if this is his daily spot on beautiful days- I wonder if these are his grape vines I was walking through, I wonder how long he has been working his vines, I wonder if his wine is any good??? I should have asked to take his photo- it would have been a great shot...... Ah well......
Anyway- ended up taking about 60 photos in that hour I had- some tight shots & some wide ones, and really hardly had to do much post production on them- needed to do some cropping but mostly the colors are what they are- very little saturation used- they really do look like this..... A beautiful area to see- & I really should try more Swiss wines- there have to be some good ones- maybe we just have to spend a bit more for the nice ones....... My new word- yep- "SUPERB".

Friday, November 02, 2012

London weekend

What a great long weekend in London with Mark!!! He had to be there for work so he left on Oct 14 & I flew in to meet him on the 17th. We stayed @ a Hilton in Islington ( a suburb of London- Angel tube stop) & it was a nice little area- busy as is most of London. I arrived @ about 2 & he had to be in the office until 6 so it gave me an opportunity to wander the streets of Islington. Asked the concierge whats to see & he looked @ me & said "What 'round here?? I suppose you can have a walk 'round the canal- thats nice". So he pointed me in the direction & I was off. He was also right- not too much going in in Islington- pretty working class area, kebab shops & pubs, real estate offices & of course Starbucks- noting too endearing. Made it over to the canal system & it was quite pretty- there were a number of the canal boats like ones in the jubilee water parade down the Thames- not as large as the ones in Amsterdam- but similar in design- I still cant think they are very dry in there- none of them never look new to me..... Anyway- snapped a few photos & that was that- the path ended up being closed a little ways down so it was back to the streets & alleys to explore. Some great shops on the High Street- found a Penhaligons, our most favorite products- I couldn't NOT go in!!!! Very helpful gal popped up from behind the register with a HELLOOOO- scared the hell out of me- but she was trying to fix the internet. I went through all the scents on the table- some I liked, some I REALLY liked & some I hated. One of them smelled like church incense- a bad memory from catholic upbringing- they should have named it either Penance, Hair Shirt of GUILT because if I wore that it would be a constant reminder & vision of Sister Lucy, Sister Mary Josephine, Sister Karen & Father Fox......... UGH........ Checked out a few of their new scents- put on my FAVORITE Blenheim Bouquet- their signature scent from 1902 :) ALSO the what Hotel 41 stocks as their bath products!!!! YUM!!!! So I was on my way- wanted to go back with Mark to see what he wanted but would probably go to their larger store over in Covent Garden on Thurs or Friday. Anyway- a new favorite was Opus 1870 SOOO fabulous- nice and Cedar"y"- how I like it :)

We checked into our most favorite hotel- Hotel 41 that is just across the street from the Royal Mews (the royal stables & carriage house) & the Palace is a 5 min walk from there. The address is 41 Buckingham Palace Road- its posh for sure!!! We stayed there a few years ago when we were on our way to Spain (when British Airways lost our luggage for the entire vacation) & loved it so much we had to return. This time we got a suite though- had a separate living room & 2 bathrooms. Beautiful rooms & everything still up to snuff in this 5 Star hotel. No complaints. Check out my Tripadvisor review with photos & make sure to mark it as "helpful"  :) Hotel 41 Tripadvisor review I meant every word- this place is fabulous :)

Did some great exploring- headed to the Tate Modern Museum- what an incredible building- its the worlds largest museum- housed in a old power company facility- HUGE!!!!! Now, I am all for modern art- but seriously- some of the works housed here left me scratching my head- a pile of bricks, a twisted ball of wire, white paint in the shape of a hexagon painted over the white wall, a chain link fence gate with a crayon tied to a piece of string hanging of it??? No wonder there are starving artist out there. Granted- some of the art was great & thought provoking, they do have some great Kandinsky's, Picasso's & a few Giacometti sculptures that are always fabulous to see & most of the modern masters- but this place is SO IMMENSE- I have a feeling we just scratched the surface- must go again on the return trip next year with Mark's parents. We'll see their take on it- although- I kinda already know- but it will be good for them to expand their horizons & it will certainly make for some fun conversations with them with the help of wine :)

Alberto Giacometti
Had some great meals Thai, Indian, Pub Grub & food on the go- ended up going to 2 of the most highly rated Indian restaurants in London. One was Quilon which is evidently the first Indian restaurant in London to get a Michelin star. AND- it was right around the corner from our hotel. Highly recommended! And our waiter was the hottest Indian guy I think I have ever seen- so it made the experience all that much better. He had these tribal tattoos that were sticking out of his cuffs- would have liked to have seen the work as I'm sure they were some nice Indian designs. seeing him with out a shirt probably wouldnt have been that bad either....... Yes- Im a troll...... But I have good taste! 

Hanging lights @ Veeraswamy
Veeraswamy was the other fantastic Indian restaurant we went to- its the oldest Indian restaurant in the UK- still in the same location & still in the same family- Since 1926- so still a part of the Empire. I loved their decor- the different colored lamps hanging from the ceiling, the old Indian military helmets that covered on of the walls, the rich colors of silk- the purples, oranges & reds- just beautiful- Fantastic food & in a great area for night life. 

Fresh Game Birds @ The Borough Market

Another fantastic discovery was the Borough Market, its seriously like Pike Market in Seattle on steroids!!!! Talk about gourmet & fabulous!!! This is a REAL working market that dates back to the 13th century (Closed in 1755 only to reopen later) Its not a tourist trap like Pike Place in Seattle. Granted- there are tourists here but there are also many people shopping for their fruit & veg. Fantastic selection of meats, beautiful game birds, cheeses, breads, herbs- I can go on & on- if we were staying longer & had a kitchen- I would have had to fill a bag. There was 1 stand that had all these cheeses from the Haute-Savoie region of France (the region that is just south & borders Geneve) Looks like they have a guy that flies the cheese in every week. Not sure I'd want to sit next to him on a plane though- some of those French cheeses are P-U!!!!!  There is also a fabulous area to get food to eat there- giant pans of paella, Indian & Thai curries bubbling away- intoxicating smells. There was even a stand doing authentic Swiss Raclette & you could tell is was real as it smells like Switzerland!!!! That cheese!!!! We also came upon this one stand that had what had to be a 5' stack of brownies..... Had to buy a few for a snack & yeah- they made my teeth hurt- but OH so delicious. Another place to return to when back in London- LOVED this market

We just love London, its so easy to get around, no language barrier to hurdle over, the city is clean & there is something for everybody of every ethnicity. I think I could live there- although they say the weather is worse than Seattle- so perhaps not as that drives me nuts.

Mark enjoying a double handled cup of English tea @ Costa & wishing I would STOP taking his photo :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I am SOOO damn excited to be going to London tomorrow & stay @ our MOST favorite hotel Hotel 41 INSANE luxury & beauty- We are fortunate boys to be in this life @ this time....... awww bless....... MANY photos forthcoming :)

Monday, October 15, 2012

We've gone to the dogs!!!!

Ahhhhh- Martigny, Switzerland in the fall with St. Bernard's........ Has a nice ring to it. 

We set up a dog walking tour on Oct. 13th in the little town of Martigny- about 90 min by train from Geneve & up in the mountains. The town itself isnt so exciting- although they do have a great museum there that has a Van Gogh, Picasso & Kandinsky exhibit going on until Nov 25th. Fondation Pierre Giandda We didnt get to it as we were kind of done......

Sarah & Lucia came with us, Jaime was home not feeling well. What a great way to be introduced to these great dogs!!!! Fondation Barry Du Grand St Bernard is the organization that we visited- a fabulous museum that is all about the St. Bernard- the history of the breed, the history in this region & their history as life saving dogs for stranded people caught in the snow. It was 48 francs per person to take their dogs out for a walk- but it goes to a good cause to preserve this beautiful breed. I cant imagine what it costs to feed these big dogs!!!!  Also- the little barrel they are known for- yeah- a myth- they never carried barrels around their necks- the did however pull sleds & carry back packs that were more like baskets in the old days. ANYWAY- we got our dog- a 3 year old bitch named Ranna- she was the Alpha female for sure as she just had to be in front- we would lag back & then she'd pull to get up front. She's a beautiful long haired girl that was born in Martigny. The walk we went on was the easy one as we had Lucia who just turned a big 5 last week & we didnt want to tire her out...... Ok ok- we werent sure what the difficult walk was all about, so we opted for the easy walk. Turns out the easy walk was a stroll through the woodlands behind the museum- it was easy & totally do- able- although I would like to try the other one though as its only an hour & they take you higher up in the mountains & its a bit more physical- but im sure we could do it. They offer winter walks in Jan & Feb so this could be fun as well as they are in the snow with the dogs pulling little sleds. Anyway- HIGHLY recommended if you are in the area & hopefully I can make a holiday photo out of one of the shots..... Should have taken a few more I think....

 Lucia, Ranna, Sarah & Mark @ the start of the walk
 Photo stop- the dogs know they get a treat after this
 Ranna & I after she had a drink & a walk in the little river
 A great shot of Mark & Ranna
 Sarah, Ranna & Lucia with some Alps behind
She caught a scent & wouldnt turn around.....

Friday, September 28, 2012

STUNNING Geneve day!!!!

What a truly STUNNING day here in Geneve- it was quite cool this morning when I went out for a ride & then as I shed layers of Under Armor I realized I should just swing home & put on some summer threads....... Ended up being a day I could have set an Autumn tan..... Ah well- another day like this will be around. Wandered over to the Bain de Paquis & I found Joyce & met some new friends- Khalid from Morocco, Helmi from Algeria & Al from Guinea- Talk about an international city. We shared some apple shisha, some beers & some great conversation. They were AMAZED with my Arabic music collection that I had on my Iphone & kept saying "are you sure you are from America?" What a great way to break barriers with music. I could have stayed hours more, but know I will see them again- after all- this is Geneve :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Willy J. Johnson Booberstein

Willy really wanted to be a part of this blog.

 Taken when we first got him on October 15th of 2010- he was such a little guy- Such big ears!!!
 He still had his baby teeth
Now at 3 years old. Such a handsome, funny, bratty & loving cat- who need to go on a diet like his dad's.....

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Took this a few weeks ago when Geneve was having its Fetes de Geneve- may have to do a little post production but I think overall a good timed shot :)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Luzern Weekend

We were in Luzern over the weekend- what a beautiful place on this planet- a 3 hr train ride from Geneve & worth it. Although there were a million Chinese tourists there- for some reason they like to take my photo & think I dont think they are taking it...... We went on this lake tour- the Dragon Boat should have given us an indication the market they were going after- Anyway- we saunter upstairs- take our seats then the FLOOD of Chinese take over- they sit all around us- The amount of them made news headlines scroll through my head "Tourboat overturns on Lake Luzern- 500 Chinese & 2 cheap Americans dead" The ones sitting right next to me started taking photos of each other- trading the red scarf on one lady then on to another lady then another as they pose in the nuttiest poses..... Then I notice how they were kind of leaning my way & taking photos- I would move- they would move to get me in the shot- so I started pursing my lips, making stupid faces- finger up my nose etc...... I told Mark- yeah- wait until I stand up........ yep- I stood up & it was like a martian had just appeared on board- OOOOHHHH Take picture????. Same thing happened when I went to Beijing a few years ago & Tianamen Square- I had people almost lining up to take a photo with me. Never seen a tall whitey before I guess....... Anyway- I digress- Luzern is a beautiful place- had some great food, lots of great wine & did some great sightseeing. The amount of Chinese there made it feel like it was Disneyland & they were all the little kids running around fascinated @ lamp posts, phone booths, door knobs & trash cans....... Take picture???!!!!!

WOW- talk about a break!!!!

Cant believe its been since 2007 since I was in/on here last........ Not even going to get into what has happened in our lives since- nothing too exciting other than- in a nut shell- we moved to Switzerland in July of 2011 as Mark got an incredible offer with Expedia to transfer here to work in their new European HQ- so I tagged along :) we live in Geneva, we got a cat (Willy) much more on him for sure, Im looking for work, we travel a lot & will be doing more, we love it here so we signed up to stay another 2 years until the summer of 2014.

I just found this blog today- & i realize the little number of followers I had back then have abandoned me- well- I kind of deleted everyone to start new anyway- all 5....... 

So Im going to make a effort to keep this up from over here on out- Im tired of posting on Facebook, sometimes I dont want the whole world seeing what I post, sometimes im not very PC or child friendly- & sometimes I want to be- dont we all @ times??? I'll piss people off im sure- but hey- I can always remove it or the complainer & not be held to it if an potential employer looks up my Facebook page :)

This is a learning process :)

A bientot- no one who is listening......... yet :)