
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Luzern Weekend

We were in Luzern over the weekend- what a beautiful place on this planet- a 3 hr train ride from Geneve & worth it. Although there were a million Chinese tourists there- for some reason they like to take my photo & think I dont think they are taking it...... We went on this lake tour- the Dragon Boat should have given us an indication the market they were going after- Anyway- we saunter upstairs- take our seats then the FLOOD of Chinese take over- they sit all around us- The amount of them made news headlines scroll through my head "Tourboat overturns on Lake Luzern- 500 Chinese & 2 cheap Americans dead" The ones sitting right next to me started taking photos of each other- trading the red scarf on one lady then on to another lady then another as they pose in the nuttiest poses..... Then I notice how they were kind of leaning my way & taking photos- I would move- they would move to get me in the shot- so I started pursing my lips, making stupid faces- finger up my nose etc...... I told Mark- yeah- wait until I stand up........ yep- I stood up & it was like a martian had just appeared on board- OOOOHHHH Take picture????. Same thing happened when I went to Beijing a few years ago & Tianamen Square- I had people almost lining up to take a photo with me. Never seen a tall whitey before I guess....... Anyway- I digress- Luzern is a beautiful place- had some great food, lots of great wine & did some great sightseeing. The amount of Chinese there made it feel like it was Disneyland & they were all the little kids running around fascinated @ lamp posts, phone booths, door knobs & trash cans....... Take picture???!!!!!

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