
Tuesday, October 16, 2012


I am SOOO damn excited to be going to London tomorrow & stay @ our MOST favorite hotel Hotel 41 INSANE luxury & beauty- We are fortunate boys to be in this life @ this time....... awww bless....... MANY photos forthcoming :)

1 comment:

AnnEvery said...

Borough Market is fabulous! We were in the UK last October and stayed with friends who live in Flitwick - don't ask me where that is - all I know is it's about an hour on the train into London! We took the train once and then another London visit our friends drove as we were also going to visit their son/daughterinlaw who had just given birth to a beautiful female! We went to Borough Mkt and I was so impressed - if I can figure out how to load some of my pix of the mkt I will. We had lunch at a great place which is on the street as you exit the mkt from the end where the "pie man" shop is. Did you ever have a pork pie? Love them - even there supermarkets carry them - the pie man at Borough claims to have 'THE BEST" pork pie in the UK.