
Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Travel Bucket List

I know, I know- having a "Bucket List" is so 2010........ Although I think its time in my life to start one since my memory is seriously beginning to bother me & totally irritate Mark- so much so he wants me to get tested for early onset Alzheimers....... Thats a completly different story for another time- if I can remember to do it that is.....
I digress...... Back to my travel bucket list. I want it to be a "living list" one I can add to & post when there is a new addition- albeit a location, a hotel, an experience or festival. Getting to these places will be another story all together- but its fun to dream & list them- Just incase.... 

So here I go- first on the list for 2013:


The Walled City of Jodhpur, India.

The past couple of years I have had this thing about going to India. I want to see it, I want to smell it, I want to taste it. There is so much buzz about India & how they are doing so much right- yet there is SO much to still fix. The poverty is one thing that I would also like to see as it is such a part of their culture & something that needs fixing. I want to see the colors of the people, I want to feel India. 
Seeing photographs & reading blogs about it just adds to the desire more & more. Mark will need some convincing though- I think he is on the fence- leaning to "not", but I think will a little research & convincing he may come around.
Read about Jodhpur & take a look @ the hotel RAAS that I found which is a "for sure" splurge.

There are SO many other places in India that need to be experienced- so I should probably just make an "INDIA" post & keep adding to that.

Monday, January 28, 2013


The view of Praz de Lys from the piste 
I FINALLY got in a fantastic day of skiing!!!!! Mid week got an invite from Sir Ian Coombes to go up- JUMPED @ it to get up there as its been a good year since I went up to meet Rox @ Mageve. 
This time we were heading to Praz de Lys-Sommand in France. Hadn't been there before- though Ian & Jaime had gone the week prior & said it was great. So I rented a FANTASTIC new pair of Scott skis from Penseyres that is just up the street in the Paquis & I was set.
Couldn't have picked a better day to go- woke up early to sunny skies & just knew it was going to be beautiful up there. Best of all- I actually had some confidence I was going to ski really well- don't know if it was because I was on a new set of skis or the weather- just had that feeling.
Ian picked me up @ 9 in their fancy pants Land Rover (NICE) & we were off. It wasn't long until we hit the border of France & then started seeing more & more cars loaded up with skis...... Hit the toll booths & wham- a complete jam of cars all heading up to the mountains for the day- took us a good 25 min to get through. Once through there it was smooth sailing up to Praz de Lys- we figured it too a good hour to get there- door to door- would have been much faster if we weren't stuck @ the toll booths- but it was the weekend & it was a beautiful day & everyone had smiles on their faces.
Arrived @ Praz de Lys @ about 10am- got a good parking spot & we quickly geared up to get up on the slopes. Its interesting here, when you buy your lift tickets they ask you if you want insurance- its an additional 3 Euros- I don't really understand what it covers- but I got it anyway- you never know- could end up being the best 3 Euros ever spent. Lift tickets were 18 Euros for the day- so a great price compared to Washington or Whistler- figured there are so many ski resorts in the area that they are all competing for your $$$- you could easily keep driving another 10/15 min & go to another area that offers a better price & very similar skiing. So its best to shop around. ANYWAY- got locked into the skis & got in line for one of their quad chairs. A beautiful ride up- we were facing the sun the entire way up. Ended up just below Haut Fleury (1980m) & started our day. Really felt nice to be on good skis- they are much wider than my Olin's & really responded nicely- I will rent these again & think about purchasing them @ the end of the season- we'll see how much they are then. But really did well on the 1st run- just warming up the legs & back- nothing too fast or too slow- just technique as I have been told I am a "sloppy" skier by a friend who was a former US Ski team member...... I take it as constructive criticism as I know I'm sloppy & need to take a few lessons just to refine.....
Nice groomed, packed, soft, powder swooshing below my skis. Smiles all around, sun on my face- couldn't have asked for a better day. 
 Did a couple of nice long runs then mentioned "I'm hungry" as the pain au chocolate & OJ I had for breakfast really wasn't enough to nourish this big body- so we opted to locate a restaurant. Had to ski from Sommond over to the Praz de Lys part of the mountain as there is more of a village on that side. Ended up skiing a bit to far & had to hike a bit back & up through a parking lot to the restaurant. Ian assured me it was worth it as I was huffing & puffing my way.

Sorry- crappy Iphone shot of inside the chalet restaurant

Le Tartiflette- mon Dieu.......
Arrived @ the restaurant- they had a lovely outdoor deck in the sunshine with a million dollar view- we opted for indoor seating. Waited a few min for a table & when no one was leaving, one of the waiters said to go take a table upstairs. Walked through the restaurant that smelled of burning fireplace & fondue. Seeing all the people enjoying their food & hearing the different languages put a smile on my face. Hoofed it up the stairs- got a nice table by the window- opened the menu & ordered "un grande beire" I needed the beer as well!!! Ian noticed in the menu "Tartiflette"- he said he & Jaime had had it the week prior- I hadn't heard of it before but when he said it was "a pan of sauteed potatoes, onions, bacon covered in melted cheese" I was sold- order it!!!! When it arrived- it was just as I though it would be- & I think we had something similar @ the wine festival in Russin a few years ago. Although this one came with a board of assorted mountain meats- prosciutto, dry cured salami & rashers of bacon. In other words a pan of fat & a platter of fat :) But OOOHHHH so delicious- had to snap a few photos!!!

Savoie Mountain Meats

This will be something I take back to the US!!! Had a great lunch & a bit of a rest then it was up the mountain again. With our full bellies we decided to take a different lift up this time. As we were climbing higher & higher, looked down to a huge bowl that looked to be off piste- not many people on it, the snow appeared to be deep & fluffy. Most certainly a black run. Mentioned to Ian that it might be fun to go down- but then saw how vertical  it was @ the top- so it was a unanimous "NO" an a laugh..... So we got off the lift @ the very top of the area- Haut Fleury- low & behold guess what the only way down was..... Yep that bowl...... It was certainly a challenge- there was a red run off to the right & the black was on the left- I luckily had managed to get stuck on the black run..... I sucked it up & just did it- albeit ever so slowly as other skiers zipped by me- every one of them I called an asshole for obvious reasons. But we did it- Ian was a little slower but he did it as well- proud of us both for sure. That run really zapped the energy out of us, at the same time it boosted our confidence- never been down a run so difficult before & I have been on black runs before- by mistake...... Anyway- a few more runs here & there in the sun-  we stuck more to the blue runs & really did well. Looking @ the time it was just 3:30- we were done as we were getting a little worn out & my ski mantra has always been "When you want to take that last run of the day- even though you think you shouldn't- don't take it- its the one that always does you in" So reciting that mantra- we made our way to the car, packed up & hit the road @ 3:45 & was back in the Paquis right @ 5pm- in time to return the "confidence building" skis. Will rent them the next time for sure- Looking @ going up to Les Contamines next Sunday- hopefully this time Jaime can make it. Last time I skid with him I had the equipment malfunction & had my WORST day skiing. SO embarrassing!!!!

The view from our lunch table

Monday, November 26, 2012

Im a Flickr!!!!!

Check it out- I started my Flickr page again- this time I will add more as I take them :)

Todds Flickr Link

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

New-ish lens continued

Yesterday turned out to be a pretty nice day to get out & shoot. Cool & crisp- I could hear my dad doing his "WHOOOH its a bit cool today dontcha think"

Had to get a new cache of cat food & I was on my way. Over to Eaux Vive & then I dont know where I wandered to. Saw some really neat apartments that had patios (somewhat rare in Geneve) & just imagined having one of our own...... Le sigh :)

Anyway- I think I really love this lens!!! Learning to get back, WAY BACK as compared to my 14mm lens- but talk about getting another whole perspective on a subject- its taken me this long??? I have had zoom lenses before so they are nothing new to me- but those were shooting with an SLR-  I LOVED my Canon AE-1- I still have it- although its in a box & hasnt really been touched since I went digital. I digress....... So the new lens- great feature that isnt a part of the 14mm- when I upload into Iphoto, the vertical shots are automatically rotated- a bit of a time saver for sure & a nice feature. 

Crossed the Mont Blanc bridge & it was nice to see the flags of Geneve & Suisse all unfureled  & enjoying the sun. They are so much nicer than the Doner Kebab ones they put up. Took this one from the left bank as it had better light. Not @ full zoom & still quite crisp.

Noticed a few sea gulls on a tie off rope, so I got down on the wall & went to a full zoom- still quite nice.

I liked the shadows & the different architectural elements in this shot of an apartment building in Eaux Vive.
 AH- one of my most FAVORITE buildings in Geneve- this one by Le Corbusier-"Immeuble Clarté". Looks like they have done some renovating on the exterior since the last time I stopped to take a look- it was looking a bit worn. What a treasure to have this building in Geneve. The apartments look to be 2 story loft type- so I can only imagine they arent very big- Id still want one though BIG TIME!!!!
 Random guy who thinks we are all astronauts gathering a crowd along the Pont de la machine- he was talking about something & seemed pretty engageing as people were stopping to talk to him- no idea as it was all in the Francais......

Monday, November 19, 2012

New-ish lens

OK- so a few months ago, best gal friends Megan & Carley departed Geneve for their around the world experience. Carley had a lens she didn't want to take on the trip- bulky & heavy & offered it up for sale. Mark purchased it or me (I am spoiled & loved) & I have used it on occasion- translates- not enough. So this week I am only going to be using my Lumix 45-200 micro 4/3 zoom lens

I read an article over the weekend to "Boost your creativity- use a different lens today" & that is exactly what I'm going to do :) Change is good??? :)

Hopefully you wont get too tired of close ups.........

Stay tuned, day 1 is upon me & its a beautiful day here in Geneve.

Friday, November 16, 2012

European Bicycles

A bike I came across in the Cinque Terra- looks to have weathered the floods

You gotta hand it to the Swiss, well ok, Europeans et al- they have really embraced the bicycle. Everywhere we have visited since we have been living in Suisse, there are noticeably more people riding bikes in the city centers than there are in the USA. Not just people out having a ride around for exercise- you see business men & women, decked out in suits & high heels (respectively), talking on cell phones or smoking a cigarette. Street bikes- nothing fancy, not mountain bikes or super tricked out bikes- just normal bikes. I think some almost look like they are from the 50's.
They use bikes here because its easy. Bikes have their own lanes in traffic, people here actually yield to bicycles!!!  Sadly, somewhat unheard of in the US. At least in Seattle that is. I think cyclist in the US are seen as a nuisance, they get in the way, you have to go around them, & when you hit one- well, it ends up making you late to where ever you were in SUCH a hurry to get to (Costco, Starbucks, Nordstrom). In Europe- there never seems to be this sense of urgency to get somewhere. If you get stuck in traffic here its looked upon as "well everyone else is stuck so why stress about it". Although, if you are on a bike- you get through it by weaving in & out of the cars are usually on time. I'm not going to get into the conversation about the damn scooters though- they kind of drive me nuts. 
I am writing this because since moving here I have become one of those bicycle riders in the city center. It feels good riding next to cars that you hope- see & respect you & share the road. I don't ever get honked at, I don't ever get yelled at for riding in the middle of the road. I feel somewhat safe in traffic here. I'm sure people do get hit on bikes here- they have to, never seen it though. It would be interesting to see a study of bicycle accidents per capita here vs. a city like it of similar size in the US. There has to be more here because of the sheer number of cyclists on the roads. 

Commuter bikes at Gare Cornavin here in Geneve
Speaking of the numbers of commuters- when it quitting time- the amounts of them that spill out on the streets is amazing. Not Beijing crazy- but there are many. Commuters coming out of their offices & hopping on their bikes, people getting off the trains then over to the bike stands to search for their ride home. It really is another reason I love living here. The bike culture here isn't edgy or alternative or even militant like in some US cities, they are just normal people who commute on bikes, go to the supermarkets, movies, out to dinner- live..... Cyclists are out & about @ all hours in our busy part of the city. We hear the conversations between cyclists & their polite little bells as they peddle down the Rue des Paquis. It really does sound much better than those damn loud Maserati's or Ferrari's that like to rev up to show off their horse power. But as those luxury cars are stuck @ the light, the cyclists quietly pass & are almost where they are going to be.
Anyone seen a Dakota bike before??
Anyway- I came across 2 really cool bikes yesterday while out & about- one was a Dakota- I had never heard of them or seen one before. I did a search & came up with nothing even close. I'm thinking they have to be a much older brand as the logo may be somewhat offensive now a days in the US. Great leather seat &  varnished, bent wood fenders. Pretty modern Shimano components so all I can think is that its an old bike that has been modernized. I think I want to go back & leave a note on it to just ask the question "Where did you get this" & to also compliment on a nice looking street bike. I'm sure the owner would appreciate someone appreciating their bike. If anyone reading this has heard of them- shoot me a line- would love to read up on them.
An art bike in Geneve
The other bike I came across was an art bike. Flowers, stickers, stuffed animals, plastic figurines you name it- it was stuck on this bike- kind of fun for sure & surely brought a smile to my face. Gotta wonder what the rider looks like though- Should have hung around long enough to see.

An Italian bike in the shadows- I think I'm going to get this one framed

For some reason- I take photos of bikes A LOT.....

Monday, November 05, 2012

Lavaux Vineyard Terraces

What a beautiful location those silly Romans had 2000 years ago & the idea to terrace the hillsides for ultimate southern exposure to grow their grapes that they would eventually turn into wine- (I wonder if they knew what a beautiful area this was way back then as well.......) I tell ya..... And we are still doing it- albeit some of the wine isn't to our liking even though living here is pretty much the only place on earth to get wine from Suisse...... they only export a very small amount because they don't grow that much & they like to take care of the Swiss market before they offer it out elsewhere. This idea rings true for MANY aspects of the Swiss culture- not just wine....... 
ANYWAY- last week I was getting the itch to get back to the Lavaux Vinyard Terraces region as I went last year with Joyce, & did a really beautiful hike along the roads & pathways that twist & turn like the vines themselves through the different vineyards. Checked the weather forecasts & saw that I had a 1 day window of good weather to get out there to get some photos & not get wet in doing so- & that was TODAY (Thursday)  planned on going a little later than I would have, as I wanted to get the late afternoon sunlight. Packed up a small bag, all my camera gear & hopped in the car & headed out- the GPS said 45 min to the town of Lutry- so Id be there by 3:15 @ the latest. While on the highway & @ least 30 min out & had a revelation that I had left my camera's battery in the charger that was plugged in @ home....... PHUCK!!!!!! Yeah- so here I was- 15 min from Lutry & having to turn around to go BACK to Geneve to get a battery........ Contemplated just going & taking Iphone photos but then I could never crank on Lisa for her OH so lovely Blackberry photos again...... Plus the weather was going to go to crap & this was my time. So I got off the highway, schlepped BACK to Geneve, got a parking spot right out front of the building & fetched the damn battery- which was fully charged......... Got back on the road & headed out- ETA now 4:00...... GRRRRR- what was I gonna do right??? No biggie- there wasn't any traffic & it was a beautiful day to be out on the road. Found the Lutry exit & started up & down on those little vineyard roads- literally wide enough for our car, no guardrails either- so if I went over id be over as the car would just roll & roll & roll....... I was a little freaked out thinking about that. Anyway- the sun was going down & I needed to get snapping. The colors were beautiful- the golden yellows, the burnt reds, the mottled browns with flecks of yellow...... Stunning!!! The way the sun was tickling the snowy mountaintops across the lake in France & the ones above Montreaux. Even better, the sun was getting pretty low and that golden light that just sets these colors on fire. I knew I had picked the BEST time to be there- although I would have loved a bit more time as I pretty much only had about an hour before sunset. Ended up parking in a little hamlet & walking down one of the paths & came across an elderly man who was sitting up on one of the walls watching the sun go down- as I walked by, I greeted him with a "salut" & he said "salut"- I then said in my broken French "il est magnifique" & he came back with a friendly, smiling "Superb"- I couldn't agree more...... What a great word- Superb- to describe a beautiful sight like that, & how fantastic that this guy- who had to be in his 80's was out trekking along these ancient trails & took a moment to sit down & take it all in...... Superb!!!! I kept down the trail a few 100 meters farther to take more photos, turned around & my little friend was gone. He was done- sun was down & he was off. I wonder if this is his daily spot on beautiful days- I wonder if these are his grape vines I was walking through, I wonder how long he has been working his vines, I wonder if his wine is any good??? I should have asked to take his photo- it would have been a great shot...... Ah well......
Anyway- ended up taking about 60 photos in that hour I had- some tight shots & some wide ones, and really hardly had to do much post production on them- needed to do some cropping but mostly the colors are what they are- very little saturation used- they really do look like this..... A beautiful area to see- & I really should try more Swiss wines- there have to be some good ones- maybe we just have to spend a bit more for the nice ones....... My new word- yep- "SUPERB".