
Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Travel Bucket List

I know, I know- having a "Bucket List" is so 2010........ Although I think its time in my life to start one since my memory is seriously beginning to bother me & totally irritate Mark- so much so he wants me to get tested for early onset Alzheimers....... Thats a completly different story for another time- if I can remember to do it that is.....
I digress...... Back to my travel bucket list. I want it to be a "living list" one I can add to & post when there is a new addition- albeit a location, a hotel, an experience or festival. Getting to these places will be another story all together- but its fun to dream & list them- Just incase.... 

So here I go- first on the list for 2013:


The Walled City of Jodhpur, India.

The past couple of years I have had this thing about going to India. I want to see it, I want to smell it, I want to taste it. There is so much buzz about India & how they are doing so much right- yet there is SO much to still fix. The poverty is one thing that I would also like to see as it is such a part of their culture & something that needs fixing. I want to see the colors of the people, I want to feel India. 
Seeing photographs & reading blogs about it just adds to the desire more & more. Mark will need some convincing though- I think he is on the fence- leaning to "not", but I think will a little research & convincing he may come around.
Read about Jodhpur & take a look @ the hotel RAAS that I found which is a "for sure" splurge.

There are SO many other places in India that need to be experienced- so I should probably just make an "INDIA" post & keep adding to that.